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It is said that a book is like a garden carried in the pocket. Books are like mines of knowledge, the more you dig the more you get.
DPS Asansol has a vast collection of books covering all the subjects in the well-managed library. It is open for all the students of the school, but to take advantage of this library, students have to follow certain rules:
- Students are allowed to borrow books only on their own library cards.
- Absolute silence must be maintained in the library.
- The library has an open shelf system and students must adhere to the order in which books have been arranged in different shelves.
- They must put the books on the tables after consultation and not just anywhere on the shelf.
- Books marked, disfigured or damaged will have to be replaced or paid for by the borrower.
- Reference books are not for issue. These books can be consulted within the library premises only. Books other than reference books are issued for one week. If books are returned late without a valid reason, the borrowing facility will be withdrawn for a week.
- Students are not allowed to bring their personal books into the library.